GiftBox Systems, Fundraising Solution
GiftBox Systems, Charity Workers
GiftBox Systems, Charity Software
GiftBox Systems, Case Management Software
Fundraising System

Charity workers need more than a simple solution to raise funds

Boost engagement and learn about the latest fundraising trends

Care Workers


Achieve more timely, accurately, and with greater
transparency in reporting.

Charity System


Increase donation by more than 50%

GiftBox Systems, Donation Management Software
Case Management

Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results?

Say GOODBYE to MANUAL data entry!
We'll take you to a whole new level.

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Intuitive Charity Management System 

GiftBox Systems is a powerful web-based application for charities designed from the ground up.  It delivers benefits to everyone connected to the charity. Built on the latest Microsoft technology, it includes powerful functions such as managing donors, members, beneficiaries, client cases; donation processing, tax exemption processing, publication management, and follow-ups and alerts.

We help charities increase operational efficiencies and reduce costs by eliminating so much manual paperwork.  The built-in functionality of audit trails, authorisation mechanism and internal check and control makes the donation process secure and conforms to audit requirements.

We understand you and your team are the experts on charity services, and our expertise in building easy to use, modern charity IT systems makes a powerful team. We pride ourselves on best-in-class support and service so our engagement is not just for the short term. Our dedicated team will support and guide you through your adoption of GiftBox Charity Management Software.

We provide secure applications for every person involved in a charity. Get a 360° view of your not for profit organisation and let us help you make better and smarter use of your resources and revolutionise the management of your charity services.


Donation management system provides the key functions to automate and streamline the process of donation gathering including printing and issuing receipts; capturing rejected transactions, cancelling or re-processing them; preparing bank-in slips and updating of donors’ activity records.

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The need to manage the provision of services in the community efficiently emphasized the need for a case management system which is capable of streamlining the planning, scheduling and recording staff activities for each client.

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Are you ready for Giftbox?

Donation Management

Create and manage profiles for individual and organisation donors. Keep track of donations and record multiple pledges from the same donor, and set important reminders including one-time or recurring donations.

Events & Fundraising

Manage fundraising events and campaigns in a matter of minutes

Contact Management

Send email campaigns, mass messages and notifications to donors, members, clients and beneficiaries.   No need to manually send thank you letters.

Custom Web Forms and Reports

 Generate real-time reports using customisable forms